
7 Gmail Tricks That Make You Look Like An Email Pro And Boost Your Resume

During the current atmosphere of panic and economic recession, jobs are hard to find and it’s hard to hold on to the jobs that you have. In such cases, different skill sets are important to boost your resume and improve your chances of landing a job.

Here we tell you about some clever Gmail hacks, which make your worker simpler, easier, and faster – and they make you look like an Email pro. So not only this improves your image at work, but this will also add a boost to your CV.

#1. Mute annoyingly noisy email threads

Image Credit: CHC

Are you constantly distracted by email threads which just keep pinging since someone or the other is replying to it frequently? This email thread frequently sends you notifications, appears at the top of your email list, and distracts your focus from the work you’re doing.

Here’s what you can do: Open the thread, click the three-dot at the top, click mute. This will move the thread to the archives, and you can check it later if you need to.

If you need to unmute it, then open the thread and click the X button next to the Mute label at the top of the page.

#2. A simple trick to not forget to reply to emails

Image Credit: ViralServ

It happens very often with everyone: you get an email, and you think you are not ready to reply to it right away, so you leave it. Sometimes many people just forget to reply to many such emails as more emails keep piling up and they lose track. Sometimes even when you remember it, it often becomes difficult to find that particular email later.

That’s why Gmail has a snooze button. Take your cursor over the email, click the clock button on the right side. It will ask you to pick a time and date, so you can choose any time convenient to you. When the time comes, the email will show again at the top of your inbox.

#3. Create a more professional Outlook-like look

Image Credit: G-Suite

This is especially effective for larger screens. Gmail has a reading pane setting that gives an Outlook-like view to your Emails. This means that you can view and reply to messages without leaving the inbox.

Just click the gear-like icon in the upper right corner, this will open the Quick Settings panel, go down to the setting for Reading pane, and then choose your view – whether you want the pane to appear on the right or the left, and whether you want to split your view horizontally or vertically.

#4. Categorize your emails

Image Credit: Midlife

These days most of the emails we get are either spam or promotional emails and newsletters, most of which are ultimately unnecessary. Important emails often get lost in the middle of all that.

Gmail can filter your messages according to the category. It can separate your emails according to Social, Promotional, and other categories.

Click the gear icon and open All Settings, go the settings for Inbox and then click on the categories section. You can choose which tabs you want to show at the top of your inbox.

#5. Enable auto-advance to save time

Image Credit: G-Suite

Deleting unnecessary emails from your inbox is probably one of the most tedious tasks. And if you need to open emails and see them once before you delete them, it’s made even more difficult by the default settings of Gmail – you open an Email, you delete it, and then it sends you back to the inbox. You again have to open the next email, which increases the number of clicks and it takes twice as long to do this simple task.

You can reduce this time by enabling auto-advance in the settings. Go to Settings, click Advanced, click Auto-advance. Click on the radio dial on the right which will enable auto-advance.

So you can choose if you want to move to the next or previous message after you delete the opened message.

#6. Send large attachments via Google Drive

Image Credit: Masterfile

At the bottom of your compose window, you’ll see a Drive icon. You can use it to attach files from the Drive or you can just send a link to the file location. This helps you send files much larger than Gmail’s 25 MB size limit.

#7. Advanced search

Image Credit: Ascension

Gmail has a powerful search engine that is on par with Google. You might have used it to search based on keywords but you can also click the down-arrow button at the right of the search bar to open Gmail’s advanced search panel where you can search via date range, attachment size, subject lines, and numerous other filters.


Featured Image Courtesy: ProSchool

